Bev's adventures in ICT

Posts tagged ‘Video’

Broadcast News!

As you know, from previous posts, I do enjoy a good TeachMeet. You’ll also know that many of them are quite far away from where I actually am, so I quite often watch them online and contribute virtually. In my opinion they’re an excellent way of generating ideas and meeting new people – there’s always a ‘something for everyone’, quality about each event. I try to do everything I can to encourage more people to join in and attend these events but there seems to be, unfortunately, often an element of ‘preaching to the converted’ about it. Some people have the opinion it’s all about the tech, but it doesn’t need to be. I’ve seen many presentation that doesn’t involve any technology whatsoever and is still awe inspiring. So  try and get along to one if you can – they are the place to be for CPD

For the TeachMeets I can’t get to, but still want to take part in, I’ve been creating a few videos using a great piece of screen recording software called Camtasia. I’m just using it as a way of sharing ideas, but some of the videos have been quite popular and quite a few people have been asking for links. So, earlier this week, I decided to launch my own You Tube channel for TechnoStories so that the links are all in one place. Now I’m aware that many local authorities block You Tube in schools but I thought it was still a handy way of sharing the ideas and, in any case, many of us look for ideas or inspiration when we’re at home in the evening. So there it is. Done. Videos available for you to watch at your leisure. Now I know that there are only five videos at the moment (I’m sure that number will grow soon) and that many of them have greetings and cheerios at the end (wasn’t really planning them for the masses when I made them) but I’m hoping you’ll find them useful. Just promise me one thing. If you do find them useful please pass the ideas on to others. And try and find out when there is a TeachMeet near you so you can attend and get even more inspired.