Bev's adventures in ICT

Posts tagged ‘Shidonni’

Just wasting time…

It’s been a busy and unusual day for me and today’s rushed feeling got me thinking. Sometimes we all need to unwind. There are times when I just want to sit at the computer and waste a bit of time doing nothing much – just kill time. I’m sure we all feel like that sometimes. Luckily there are plenty of activities to keep me busy when i feel like that, and plenty more for children to try out. Here are a few of my favourite time wasting activities! I find some of them quite addictive (much to the annoyance of my friends) – see how you get on with them 🙂

My number one method of killing time on the internet is to visit this is sand.  A super simple idea  – making pictures out of virtual sand – that is creative, fun and fairly pointless, The gallery is full of colourful ideas and you can create some astounding images. Rather than add to the gallery, I save my creations by using Gadwin Screen Capture but you could also use the Print Screen key. This could be a nice filler/extension activity for an Egyptians topic as you can create beautiful pyramid scenes.

Another bit of mindless fun is to be had at Line Rider – a really basic concept simply executed. I like to deliberately create slopes that cause the rider to crash and burn because I feel that’s all part of the fun. You may think differently (each to their own says I) but I guarantee that you will be hooked.

Of course, I don’t want you all to think I spend all my time having mindless fun (who – me?). Sometimes I like my challenges to be more cerebral. On those occasions I go straight to bloxorz or spelling bee. And I know I’m not alone with my addiction to these: I know of others, like my grandson, who have discovered bloxorz through Cool Maths Games and are on it whenever time allows. There’s also Spelling Bee – one session and you’ll be hooked!

Finally, I’d like to share a site that, although not exactly a time waster or mindless fun, is something I’ve found that keeps the ‘little ones’ happy when they visit: it’s called Shidonni.

Now this may not be to everyone’s taste but i just love it’s retro, hand drawn feel.draw and animal and give it a name. Draw some food, create a background and – voila – you have a little animated character.

Well, there we have it! Now, the next time you find yourself in front of a computer with a bit of spare time to kill have a go at some of the activities above. You’ll be hooked in no time.