Bev's adventures in ICT

The Adventure Begins…

…so here we go! Encouraged by my Twitter buddies I have decided to keep an official record of my mindless drivel about the wonderful world of ICT. Some of it may be inspiring. Some of it may be plain silly. I can guarantee, however, that it will never be boring. At least I hope that’s the case.

Comments on: "The Adventure Begins…" (10)

  1. anthony evans said:

    HEY !!!!
    Great to finally have the queen of inclusive and creative Welsh ICT in blog format. You’ll fly to the top of my RSS reader. Beware of where this blog may take you!!

  2. Why thank you, kind sir! Of course we all really know that it’s the readers who will need to beware as it’s a well know fact that I am ever so slightly odd 🙂

  3. Great start Bev, look forward to reading more!

  4. Great stuff, Bev. Looking forward to reading more. Would love to know how you create your photo montages???

  5. Hi Jan. I used Microsoft AutoCollage. It’s available as a free download if you join the Microsoft Innovative Teachers Network. Lots of other free stuff avialable there too 🙂

    For an alternative you could try – that’s also free 🙂

  6. dear BEv,
    How awesome is this.
    Saw your photos yesterday and decided to give it a go wiht my kids and we created dinosaurs.

    They loved them

    Great to see you and hear about the wonderful things that you do.

  7. Hi Bev
    You’ve been fantastically busy on this blog. Are you happy if I stick on a link from mine – also I’ve made a quick spreadhseet that makes it easy to create nice links out from wordpress – if you want a copy, just drop me an e-mail
    mike at systemed dot co uk
    my blog

    • Hi Mike!
      Always happy for people to post useful links 🙂 Will email you later.

      As for AutoCollage – it’s a fantastic tool, is really saving on our evidence printing costs and the results look wonderful. You couldn’t ask for more!

  8. bev – just read you’re using autocollage – I’ve made user notes on my blog along with teacher notes for photosynth – autocollage can save you a fortune in printing costs

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